The Rotary International Board of Directors has adopted these minimum standards for an effective club:
- Pays its Rotary membership and district dues without outside assistance
- Meets regularly
- Makes sure its members subscribe to The Rotarian or a Rotary regional magazine
- Implements service projects that address needs in the local and international community
- Receives visits from the governor, assistant governor, or an RI officer
- Maintains appropriate liability insurance for the geographic region in which it is located, or pays mandatory liability insurance with the club dues invoice (United States and its territories only)
- Acts in a manner consistent with the Rotary International Constitution, Rotary International Bylaws, and Rotary Code of Policies
- Updates club membership and officers in a timely manner at, via data integration, or by sending information to [email protected]
- Resolves club disputes in an amicable manner
- Maintains cooperative relations with the district
- Cooperates with Rotary International by not initiating or maintaining litigation against it, The Rotary Foundation, associate foundations, or the international offices of the Secretariat
- Follows and completes the election review process established in the Rotary International Bylaws
These standards are only the beginning of what makes a successful Rotary club. Work with your assistant governor to ensure that your club reaches its full potential.